Does It Seem Impossible To Land Your Web Developer Job...?
Watch Below To Discover Exactly What This New Way of Landing Your Job Is!
From The Desk Of Michiel Arkema
Drenthe, The Netherlands
Rainy as always.
March 7, 2025
Dear Web Developer,
Does the following sound familiar?
You’ve been learning to code for a decent while now.
You learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript…
Some frameworks like React, VueJS, or Angular…
Heck… maybe even already NodeJS or PHP.
And now, you’ve started to apply for that job…
That first job position as a junior web developer.
Come on… let's be real.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been trying to find a way to land your web developer job… is it?
How many job applications have you sent?
Is it 10, 50, or worse… more than 100?
I bet you did something like the following:
That matched your expertise… and… proudly applied for it.
And no matter how many times you apply…
You cannot seem to even get an interview.
It's like a never-ending cycle...
And you rather binge-eat a bucket of spicy peppers than apply for another job.
The only thing that happens is you’re left heartbroken.
And you’re doubting that you’ve wasted months of your time…
…and effort trying to learn a skill you cannot even seem to get a job at.
Or maybe, you feel like a fraud…
Thinking you’re not ‘good’ enough to get a job.
If this is you, I want you to understand:
None of this is your fault!
And when you read this letter till the end…
You’re going to discover a new kick-ass way...
To land your web developer job in as little as 30 days from now...
…without having to apply for tens or hundreds of companies.
(I pinky promise)
But first, let me introduce myself…
My name is Michiel Arkema and I’m a professional web developer.
Let me tell you a quick story about when I used to face the exact same problem as you:
Not being able to land a fr*cking web developer job.
I remember the feeling of my stomach clenching together… and my hands getting sweaty… as I saw the email entering my inbox.
I quickly dragged my mouse cursor on the email and clicked to open it.
But as I read the first paragraph…
A tsunami of sadness overtook my entire body and brought me into a shock.
“Michiel, thank you so much for applying to us, but unfortunately, we’ve decided not to continue with you… blah blah blah”
Wait what?!?
See, finally after 5 years of constant learning to code…
I knew it was time to take the next step in my journey:
So I began to do what everybody else seemed to do… and quite frankly… advised me to do:
It made total sense, right?
I saw others doing it… and… all these experts on the internet told me to do it…
So this is the way it’s supposed to be, right?
No matter how many jobs I applied…
No matter how ‘perfect’ my skills and projects were…
I just kept getting rejected over and over again.
And the times I did manage to get an interview…
It turned into a big struggling situation…
And I still got rejected afterward and sometimes even during the interview itself.
And just like you right now:
I was ready to give up on everything.
It just felt like one massive sense of hopelessness.
But deep down…
No longer did I want to mindlessly submit job applications on…
And relying on ‘hope’ for them to contact me back.
No! I had to approach it differently.
First I tried to go deep into networking with the employees from companies…
But that didn’t work… all I received were angry sneers from them thinking I would take their jobs.
Then I tried to just ditch sending emails and call the companies directly…
And even though I did get more interviews…
But then I discovered something that changed everything for me...
Something that helped me begin landing job interviews like crazy and get accepted immediately.
I will share what I discovered with you in a moment...
But first...
It’s because society has been lying to us.
For years they had been telling me…
That the only way to land a job was to apply for tens if not hundreds of different companies…
Waiting like a sheep for one of them to respond with some good news.
And whenever this process didn’t work (it never does)...
They would say things like:
“Oh, the job market is just oversaturated”
“There's an economic crisis and inflation”
“Don't worry, just keep trying and you'll eventually land one”
But all of this is a big fat lie.
These are excuses made by society to hide their nonsense…
And the fact they have no clue what they’re talking about.
They are the REAL problem here.
Not you.
When I realized that, I was able to break free from their chains…
And learned that landing a job all comes down to one important principle:
Now, I know you might be skeptical about this…
So to turn my point on fire and really hit home…
In the early 1980s...
There was a rumor about the DeLorean Motor Company's new sports car:
The DMC-12.
It was sleek, with stainless steel panels and doors that opened upward…
Like something from the future.
But despite the hype, the company faced big problems:
They couldn't sell the DMC-12.
Sure, it looked cool...
And even starred in the "Back to the Future" movie.
But that wasn't enough.
Their marketing flopped.
People just didn't get why they needed this car.
As a result...
The DeLorean Motor Company lost a whopping $100 million in just one year.
But, a lesson we can learn from this is:
Even if you have an amazing product, you've got to sell it right.
Without good marketing and sales… even the coolest car in the world can end up collecting dust.
And this same principle counts when applying for jobs…
You can be the best web developer on the planet...
You can know 5 different frameworks and 10 different programming languages…
But if you don’t understand how to market and sell yourself:
Because long story short:
You’re the product.
And once I understood that:
I had tens of companies literally begging ME for job interviews…
I had them come to me instead of me going to them...
And landing my job became as easy as baking an egg.
...that not only does it make it super easy to land your web developer job (Any job for that matter)...
It also made me:
All of this led me to create something exceptional…
This cost me nearly two years to create and weeks of investigating how it all worked…
I had to read countless books about human psychology and persuasion to understand all of this.
And on top of that…
I had to test every single part of it by applying for many jobs…
…and seeing what worked and what didn’t work.
But it was 100% worth it.
What used to take me applying for hundreds of different companies and suffering from repeated rejection over and over again…
I now only have to apply for a handful of them.
In fact…
So you can get the highest amount possible!
(Just don’t share this secret with anybody else okay?)
Plus I'll reveal...
Holy smokes!
That’s a lot of tips, tricks, and techniques to quickly land your web developer job.
And that was just the tip of the iceberg...
Because if I would list all of them...
We'd still be talking at 5 am.
So instead, I'll show you everything you're going to get with the Job Landing Secrets program.
But you'll see that in a moment...
Because I don’t just want you to take my word for it…
Wow! Aren't these reviews amazing?
Do you want to experience similar results as they did?
If so...
Let me ask you a question…
For less than the cost of a dinner at a fancy 5-star restaurant…
You can get access to everything inside of the Job Landing Secrets Program.
Now like I said before…
It would be impossible for me to show you ALL the secrets you’ll learn in this program.
I wanna show you everything you’ll get when you’re on the inside:
You’re getting your hands on the exact blueprint to quickly land as many job interviews as possible.
It’s like having a vacuum cleaner that sucks up all the job opportunities in your field...
Leaving you with a pile of interview invitations where they are begging YOU to give them a CHANCE!
But hold up, what do you need after you’ve landed your interview?
Oh, it is the….
Holy BBQ Sauce on a plate… you’re really getting the best of the best.
After you’ve landed your job interviews, you now gotta know how to sell yourself during it…
And that’s exactly what this breakthrough training will teach you.
The best part?
“Wow Michiel, is there more?”
Pfff okay, you greedy and slimy seeker *eye-wink*...
Here are your exclusive bonuses:
Here’s a little unknown fact:
The traditional cover letters as we know them are DEAD… muerto… goner.
Because in 2024 and onward…
Companies receive hundreds if not thousands of job applications per day.
And 99 times out of 100, those people are using the same dead old cover letters…
This means none of them are ‘special’ nor stand apart from the rest of the crowd.
What you need is the ability to craft an irresistible pitch...
...that gets you to pop out from the masses and be visible to the companies.
And that’s exactly what this bonus will reveal to you.
In fact, here’s a sliver of what you’ll learn:
Want some more bonuses?
Look, during the old days…
You would send a classic job resume to the company to showcase your skills.
But it ain’t 2005 anymore…
We now live in a world where everyone and their grandma is learning web development.
As a result, your ‘skills’ and ‘expertise’ are no longer enough to get a job.
Job Resumes are no longer an effective tool when applying for jobs.
What you need is something called an ‘Expert Card’...
(It’s almost like a business card but about yourself, 100x more powerful, and it actually works)
In this workshop...
You’ll discover how to create one yourself.
And if that wasn’t already enough...
You’re also gonna get…
You know what they say…
"Your network is essential to your success."
And that’s exactly why you’ve been invited to join the exclusive & private Job Landers Community…
In here, you can team up with all other members of the program…
And learn from each other so you can land your web developer job in the best and most effective way possible.
Because the average salary of a junior web developer is $79,536… ANUALLY!
The average salary of a web developer in the United States according to
That’s literally $5,631 a month (Yes, I did my math).
That means when you’ve landed your dream job and received your first paycheck…
You’ve immediately gotten the entire investment out of it.
And here's some even better news...
Because look, I’m not going to charge you $1,585!
Not even a $500 bucks lol.
When you act right now...
Why am I giving away this program for such a low investment?
I must be crazy for doing that, right?
Yes, I am crazy (just ask my girlfriend, she’ll confirm)...
And I know from personal experience that landing your job is the most difficult part of the journey.
So that’s why I decided to do the exact opposite of what most ‘online experts’ and teachers do…
And actually do the hard work and develop a revolutionary system...
...that’ll make landing your web developer job a piece of cake.
(Which is exactly what you’re getting here)
I wanna showcase to you that I can help you out.
Because I get disgusted by people who are all bark but no bite.
All waffle, but no syrup.
They ask over-the-top fees but deliver lackluster vanilla results.
And my mission is to give you top-level results for a fair and genuine investment…
So you don’t have to sell your kidney to some shady guy on the corner.
But I know what you’re thinking…
Wow, I thought you’d never ask…
But guilty as charged…
Look, I’m currently building an online community of web developers who wanna succeed.
People who love the dopamine hits when success rings the doorbell.
And I wanna do that by providing totally new systems & opportunities for you to achieve those goals.
Plus, I hope that you get so much value and results from this program…
That you’ll continue to want to work further with me in the future.
However just to be clear:
There’s no obligation now… or ever… to buy anything else from me.
But with all that said…
Alright, strap on your seatbelt...
Cuz here's my money-back guarantee:
If the Job Landing Secrets Training doesn’t show you how to quickly and easily land any job interview…
And you haven’t managed to land your job after 90 days of investing in the program…
You can pick from one of the following options:
All you gotta do is send me a quick message.
Look, the companies you’ve been or wanna apply to already get hundreds of applicants per day…
And some of them do indeed get accepted for the role…
But most don’t.
So who do you wanna be?
The person who lands that job quickly and easily?
Or, the one who received the rejection Email?
Just imagine what your life will be like when you’ve landed that job.
You’re sitting behind the computer working on the cool projects that the company wants you to develop.
Wouldn’t that be super awesome?
Isn’t that exactly what you’ve been wanting all along?
Once you click on the button, you’ll be taken to a secure order form.
Then when you’ve put in your credit card information…
You’ll be taken to our secure member's area where you can access all the training... matter what time it is and where you’re at.
Oh by the way…
It doesn’t matter if you sign up right now or not.
We will still be able to take advantage of this system and easily land any job we wanna have…
As for the people who’ve invested in this program before you.
Without our help… you’ll CONTINUE to struggle with landing your web developer job…
And most likely give up on it entirely.
I know it sounds harsh but I think you’ll agree that it’s true.
SPECIAL offer bonuses
Total Price $1,585
Today: $147
Look, I know you're super tired of repeatedly getting rejected for jobs.
Isn't it time you step onto the winning side?
If so, then wait no longer.
Start taking action so you can achieve that next goal in your journey.
Do your future self a big favor and land that web developer job by joining the program today!
Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I'm looking forward to seeing you on the other side!
To your success,
Michiel Arkema
P.S. Holy guacamoly, you’ve reached the end of the letter…
And, in case you're one of those people who just skip to the end, here's the deal:
You’re going to get access to the revolutionary Job Landing Secrets program along with 3 killer bonuses.
This program helps you step-by-step to land your web developer job in as little as 30 days from now…
…without having to apply to tens, or hundreds of companies.
The total value is $1,585…
But you’re getting it for only: $147
P.P.S. Damn still here? Are you procrastinating?
No worries brother, I have a bad habit of that as well.
But look, the longer you wait, the smaller your chances of landing your web developer job become…
Because at this very moment, the companies you’d like to work for are receiving hundreds of job applications per day.
And eventually, someone is gonna get accepted.
The real question is this…
Is that ‘someone’ gonna be you, or somebody else?
If it’s gonna be you, then you must click the button below right now and join the program today!
No catch, no weird hidden gimmicks.
(I pinky promise)
And at last, the most exciting part of all…
Who is this for?
This is for web developers (any developer for that matter) who have been struggling to land their first job as one
and want a solution ASAP!
This is for web developers who are currently looking for a way to land their job as one
Will This Work For Me?
Yes, it will work for you. I’ve tested this exact system not only on myself but also on other people with massive results.
How Is This Program Different From Others?
Well, all the other programs teach you the ‘usual’ way of landing your job.
And as you’ve experienced, that stuff isn’t working in 2024.
But this Job Landing Secrets Program uses an entirely different approach and tactics to land your web developer job.
And they’ve been proven by not only myself but also other people who’ve used this system.
What Exactly Am I Getting?
I’m gonna give you a free holiday to Cancún, A new car, and a double cheeseburger to tip it off.
Pfff… What did you think?
Alrighty, enough fun, and games. here’s what you’ll get…
You’re going to get access to the revolutionary Job Landing Secrets program along with 3 killer bonuses.
This program helps you step-by-step to land your web developer job in as little as 30 days from now…
…without having to apply to tens, or hundreds of companies.
The total value is $1,585…
But you’re getting it for only: $147
Will I Land My Job In 30 Days?
Look, there’s no 100% certainty you’ll land your job within that time.
(Anyone who tells you that is lying)
The people who’ve used this exact same system have landed their web developer job in as little as 30 days of following it.
I guess that speaks for itself.
Is Your Money-Back Guarantee Real?
You bet it is.
Look, if you haven’t managed to land your job within 90 days of following the program step-by-step…
I’ll give you two options to pick from:
Sounds awesome, am I right?
If so, then stop reading, hit the big ass button below, and join the program today!